Save the Bus! March and Rally for Safe and Fully Funded Milwaukee Public Transit

Start: Monday, June 26, 2023 3:00 PM

End: Monday, June 26, 2023 5:00 PM

Milwaukee County Transit is projecting $2 million in cuts. Let's send the County a message that our communities need well-funded public transportation! With rising gas prices, traffic and the looming climate crisis, we need public transit now more than ever. We need to expand public transit, not cut.

We need safe and secure buses to serve Milwaukee county, including hiring more drivers, mechanics and improving security by bringing in the bus ranger security force. Join the march and rally with transit workers and allies to demand the county invest in public transit.

Meet us at the County Courthouse steps at 3:30 p.m. next to Alfred C Clas Park, 930 W Wells St.
Event by
Samantha Winslow